Tree plantation by GGT on 2nd October 2020

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Discussion of two friends

Friend 1 -: Even there is less traffic on the road there is too much dust everywhere whenever you go out. I am fed up with this pollution.

Friend 2 -: But what can you do, you don’t have a choice. Go out in-car next time, you can save yourself from all dust and pollution outside.

Friend 1 -: Really, do you think traveling by car is a solution. Won’t you think it will add more to the problem?

Friend 2 -: But what can you do, can you control this dust outside. Can you control the number of vehicles on the road?

Friend 1 -: I certainly can not control others but I can do something which may reduce the impact of pollution. I can certainly plant trees wherever and whenever I can.

Here Friend 2 is none other than Munish, who is our GoodGreatThings team member. He believes in the ideology of Mahatma Gandhi “Be the change you want to see in the world“.

Following this simple idea of being the change, he does tree plantation wherever and whenever he can in his capacity. If he himself can’t he makes sure to participate in any tree plantation drives or at least he motivates others to do so.

So the Idea of our tree plantation drive on the mark of the 151st birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi was initiated by him.

We planted a total of 11 saplings on 2nd October 2020 and took a pledge to look after them for at least 2 years.

We got a good response from our supporters to join for this event but we couldn’t ask them to join us physically for this drive. Due to covid restrictions, we asked only 10 volunteers to come for the drive with maintaining all measures so that we don’t risk ourselves or others with the infection. 

Details of trees which we planted are as follows -:

  1. Neem (Indian lilac)- 2
  2. Indian beech (Pongame oiltree or Honge ) – 2
  3. Badam (Indian almond)-2
  4. Copal (Ailanthus alrissima) – 2
  5. Mahogany (American mahogany) -2
  6. Semal (Chorisia) -1

We planted these trees in the Hadosiddapura lake in Bangalore. 

Here are some pictures from the event.

Volunteers collecting saplings
Volunteers collecting saplings
Volunteers planting trees at Hodasidapura lake
Volunteers After Tree Plantation Completion
Volunteers After Tree Plantation Completion
First 6 trees with the names
First 6 trees with the names
Last 5 trees with the names
Last 5 trees with the names
Khushi & Shaina youngest green warriors
Khushi & Shaina youngest green warriors of our team

Few lake visitors, runners, and local people also joined us and told us that they will look after these trees.

It was in a very short time duration we planned this drive, but the energy of volunteers and supporters made this event successful. We are thankful to the BBMP Bangalore for providing the 11 saplings for the plantation. We are also thankful for the guidance we got from “Koti Vraksha Sainya” team who are targeting to plant 1 crore saplings.

Good Great Things team also thanks and congratulate all the volunteers for the event.

If you wish to join our team of volunteers for the next such GoodGreatThings, please subscribe to us or write to us or connect with us on our social networking channels.

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