Manpur sets example by eradicating dowry

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Dowry Free Zone - Manpur, District Gaya, Bihar
Manpur sets example by eradicating dowry.

Dowry is a social evil in society. But still, it is quite normal in India. Which has become a tradition and marriages are impossible to happen without a dowry.

It is because of the dowry system, that daughter is not valued as much as the son.

This practice gave birth to many other social evils such as female foeticide, domestic violence, dowry deaths, and so on.

Due to this in Indian society women are seen as a liability and are given second-hand treatment may be in education or other amenities.

Many states in India top the list in the dowry system. Bihar is one of those states. Out of this, give and take world there still exist a place where people proudly say “Yes this is Dowry Free Zone” irrespective of fairness, wealth, education, and whatnot.

The turban of people from this village is a symbol of their self-respect that they have burnt the trump against this social evil. The elimination of Dowry from marriage tradition is not the case in recent decades. Even the old and old do not know when society has decided against dowry. They only know that their parents never discussed dowry in marriages. This good culture is coming from generations in this village.

This village is also called Manchester of Bihar, where the clothing business is in crores. People of this village do not like to shop their children with money by neither giving and nor taking dowry in marriages. Residents of Manpur proudly say that most of the people from here are highly educated and are in high ranks in the country and abroad. This also proves that education changes society.

Manpur gave us this Good Great Thing. Let us spread this positive and inspiring story from Manpur village of Gaya District of Bihar.

Few other places which are proudly “dowry free zone” are Nilambur village in Kerala and all of the North-eastern states of India. If any of you know such places that have overcome over this social evil please let us know either via email on or via comment below.

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