15 Life lessons from Dr. Abdul Kalam

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On the birth anniversary of the former president of India Bharat Ratna Dr. Abdul Kalam. We present 15 life lessons from him. These were the questions answered by him. These are collected from his book “Spirit of India”.

Dr APJ Abdul Kalam
Bharat Ratna Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

Q1. I am an eleven-year-old girl. How can I contribute in solving the nation’s problems?

Ans. -: Your first job is to study well and excel in studies. If you have time during the holidays, you can teach two people who cannot read and write. You can plant two trees in your neighborhood or school and nurture them. You can prevent wastage of water and energy. You can help your family members to keep the surrounding environment clean and green.

Q.2. In the present era, communal harmony and secularism are vital to the progress of the country but unfortunately, they are taking a backseat. How can we, students of the new generation, create a change in the mindset and environment?

Ans. -: First, you should become enlightened citizens. Next, you should work for unity of minds among all Indians. When everyone is treated equally without discrimination, unity of minds will certainly be achieved. The principle is love everyone, help everyone, create an attitude of give, give and give.

Q.3. How can I develop into an ideal person?

Ans. -: By associating with good books, good teachers, good human beings and good friends.

Q.4 Do you believe in fate or ‘Karma’?

Ans. -: What you are today is fate. Tomorrow will be decided by your “Karma” or the actions that you do today.

Q.5 What according to you is required to become a good leader?

Ans. -: For becoming a good leader you have to cultivate the following characteristics: Curiosity, creativity, concentration, character, courage, charisma, commonsense, competence, and conviction.

Q.6 What do you want people to remember you as, the President of our country or a scientist?

Ans. -: As a good human being.

Q.7 What has life taught you?

Ans. -: Life is a continuing stream. Each day is unique, and each activity has its own challenges. We should learn to love our work and enjoy every moment of it.

Q.8 Has being a member of the minority community ever proved to be an obstacle in your struggle towards achievements and success in life?

Ans. -: Dear Friend, I would like to recall the song from Pinochhio :

“When you wish upon star

Makes no difference who you are

Anything your heart desires

Will come to you.”

Q.10 If everyone is educated who will perform the so called low and menial jobs such as those of sweepers, ‘dhobis’ and so on. Do you think that education for all can solve the problems of our society?

Ans.-: No job is menial or low. Education will enrich and enable people to perform the same job better, faster and cheaper.

Q.11 Why there is so much corruption in the country?

Ans. -: Inequality of income, greed to posses whatever is possible, non-consideration of the problems of other people are some the causes for corruption.

Q.12 As a leader of a billion people what, in your experience, is that one thing that can inspire people to put the nation’s interest ahead of their own interest?

Ans. -: It is a beautiful question. It is the quality of leadership that can inspire people to consider the nation ahead of their own interest. A leader who can absorb and take responsibility for the failures and give credit for success to his team will be able to inspire his people.

Q.13 How can we build a dynamic India given the prevalent conditions of unemployment, poverty and corruption?

Ans. -: Education has to be the first priority. Education must lead to the creation of job-providers rather than job-seekers. We should try to create a large number of non-farm rural enterprises which can provide employment to people in the rural sector.

Q.14 How relevant in the consumer era of today is the ‘Nishkam Karmyog’ philosophy of “Bhagvad Gita”?

Ans. -: The teachings of Gita are relevant for all times. ‘Nishkam Karma’ will always ensure peace and prosperity to the individual, family society and the nation. Selfishness will only lead to distress and destruction.

Q.15 How did you develop so much strength to fight all the odds in your life?

Ans. -: Strength is developed through the acquisition of knowledge and preparing for every eventuality.

On the mark of his anniversary GoodGreatThings team celebrate the love and inspiration he gave us.

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