They may cut hundreds, I’ll save one!!

Share good great things

I belong to a place which used to be a very cold place throughout the year, even in summer maximum temperature hardly touched 35 degree Celsius.  Back then as a kid when we actually didn’t understand the importance of trees (except we write answers in exams for science subject), knowingly or unknowingly trees were part of daily playing activities – be it plucking fruits from trees, climbing on trees, or using them for tree swings. Were they our friends? Well yes, but we didn’t realize. In the last 15 years or so, the city saw a major expansion, and obviously, thousands of trees were cut to make the land available for this expansion and development. We again didn’t think or realize but now summers are hotter and 45 degrees Celsius is common in the month of May and June. What next, will it reach 50 degrees in the next few years? Well it can and perhaps it will take less time than we expect. Can we do something about it? Should I wait for the governments to do something? Should I wait for others to do something before I do something? Or just let it be the way things are, what I alone can do, trees are anyways getting cut every day and whatever I do will not make any difference.

But then I thought, “If they are cutting hundreds, can I save one? Or can I save five? Let’s try doing that. With that mission in mind, I started planting trees in front of my home a few years back and a few trees on the main road near my home. To plant them was a bit easy as it took just one day of motivation (sometimes we are too motivated on a specific day and we tend to do things we won’t normally do. The bigger challenge was to water them regularly and make sure they grow properly, it seemed difficult at the beginning but somehow I managed to save them. Over a period of time, some children also joined me. Today I can say that we have grown 150+ trees in our area, the place looks like this-

Tree Plantation by a nature lover alone in one of the dry city of Madhya Pradesh
Tree Plantation by a nature lover in one of the dry city of Madhya Pradesh

Disclaimer: I’m being anonymous here because I had never thought or intended that it will get noticed by such a huge audience base. But in spite of the fact that I have not revealed my identity, people are still getting inspired. The point here is that I thought at least I’m doing my bit for mother nature, but we can serve our community, our country in many ways, we just need to figure that out. Just spread positivity and do “GoodGreatThings”!!

GoodGreatThings Team -: This person selflessly watering these plants by carrying water canes on his bicycle and scooter on an alternate day basis. People laughed at him but the local kids joined him passionately. People called him mad, but doesn’t we need mad people like him. Rather than spending his free time on TV or mobile, he did something for which we can always be thankful to him. We respect the choice of being anonymous by the person on which this article is written.

But we strongly suggest that whenever you or someone else you know does any good work be it small or big, please come out and publicize it. Because this world needs positivity. You never know how your good work can inspire others.

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